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Jane: Barber Shop Owner

lend a hand | Sponsor A Child | Empower a Family

1.Training & Equipping

We come alongside vulnerable single moms, and provide  them with financial and business management training. They develop business plans and proposals, and we assist them with the implementation of their plan.

HOW IT Works

What You CAn DO

Sponsor a Child

Your sponsorship ensures that a child is able to remain healthy and well educated while enabling their parent to build a sustainable income source.

Empower a Family

When you partner with a parent, you help them embark on a path that prevents an entire family from enduring devastating circumstances caused by extreme poverty. 


Join our group of amazing volunteers who invest their time and talent in activities that make our empowering programs possible.

Why Under the Same Tree?

You wish you could do something to prevent the hardships that you see people enduring on a global scale, but it all feels so overwhelming.

You wish you could just come alongside one person at a time and help change their story for the better, but it all feels so far away.

Under the Same Tree enables you to make a sustaining impact through our preventative two generational approach and empowering program model. We provide tangible ways to keep you connected to the lives that you become a part of.


Under the Same Tree enables you to help prevent vulnerabilities such as homelessness, exploitation and child abandonment through economic empowerment. As a result, our program members are prevented from experiencing this heartbreak and trauma in the first place. 


You have the opportunity to empower an individual to create a sustainable source of income. They pay the money back as their resources increase, and your investment goes on to the next person, multiplying its impact again and again. Meanwhile, their participation in UTST empowerment groups promote mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health.

Two Generations

Our two-generational approach enables you to allow parents to focus their resources on building a sustainable income source by helping fund the education and nutrition of their children. Our child sponsorship model exists with the ultimate goal of building self-sufficient and empowered families.

our approach

From a web of POVERTY To a Cycle of Empowerment 



Business Skills Training


Empowered participants mentor others

Loan Pools funded

Income sources developed



Vulnerability reduced

Debt traps



Neema is driven and resourceful. She is a young, single mom who is raising two girls in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. Through UTST's Economic Empowerment program, she has quadrupled her income by selling products that are in high demand in her neighborhood. To further diversify her income base, she also began to raise pigs and farm vegetables. Neema is now beginning to employ others, is a mentor to other young moms, and her daughters are performing at the top of their classes in school. In Swahili, Neema's name means "grace;" we like to call her Amazing Grace.

Preventing the Effects

of Poverty Through

Economic Empowerment

Extreme poverty creates tragedy in the lives of families around the world:

Homelessness. Child Abandonment. disease. Hunger. Trafficking. Prostitution. Illiteracy. Exploitation. Abuse. Gang activity. Orphans. Debt traps. Theft.  

We are preventing that.

Under the Same Tree is empowering families to create sustainable sources of income. In doing so, we are preventing the effects of extreme poverty, setting the next generation up for success, and empowering our entrepreneurs to become agents of change in their own communities. Our empowerment model is holistic, and promotes health emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially, and physically.

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