This summer, we've had some wonderful extra help from our team of interns! We are excited to introduce Bekah Segrist, a student from Hope College in Holland, Michigan!
Tell us about yourself!
I just finished my sophomore year at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. I
am majoring in Business with a minor in Economics with hopes to work in
a community development capacity. I love anything that has to do with
competition (sports and games mostly), which have fueled many of my
interests. I grew up in St. Louis, MO and it has a very special place in my
heart. So, it has been such a blessing to be back here helping fulfill Under
the Same Tree’s mission of empowerment in my own city.
What is your role with Under the Same Tree?
I am an intern at Under the Same Tree this summer. I am working on a
new influencer project that is currently in its beta testing phase. Along
with some social media support and making networking connections with
potential partners.
How has working with Under the Same Tree shaped the way you
encounter the world?
Under the Same Tree has put vision to what I’ve always wanted to see.
For a long time, I have had a passion for revitalizing communities through
building people up economically. I knew it was possible and have seen it
done in a smattering of different ways. Coming to Under the Same Tree
was enlightening because the model we use is so holistic and effective. I
now look at the world in new light of hope. There is a practical way for
people to break out of the vicious cycle that they so often fall into. It has
given me a new perspective on Business and how it can be used in the
most desolate of situations to build a new sense of hope for someone.
Under the Same Tree has renewed and fueled my passion to serve those
around me.
How would you invite people to get involved and make a difference?
First, I would encourage anyone who is even remotely interested in Under
the Same Tree’s mission to reach out and get coffee with one of our team
members. It is powerful to hear the heart behind the mission and to be
able to have all questions answered. Second, get out there and do
something! There are SO many ways to serve your community. For
example, you can volunteer at one of our artisan co-op booths at the local
farmers market, you can be vocal about Under the Same Tree by simply
sharing our posts and getting the word out, you can donate, or you can
travel with us! These (along with many others) are ways to be involved
not only in Under the Same Tree but in your community. I would highly
encourage involvement at any level! Even through these simple actions,
the impact is powerful.