You may or may not have noticed that some Under the Same Tree staff were in Haiti back in April, and maybe you wondered what that was all about. We have been working on some partnership opportunities in this part of the world, and are excited to finally share about it with you!
Under the Same Tree is moving forward in partnership with a wonderful organization called Rapha House - Rapha House works globally to rescue and rehabilitate those who have experienced exploitation and human trafficking. Although thousands and thousands of non-profit organizations and ministries operate in Haiti, they are one of a very small handful of organizations working to address this issue - one that remains very prevalent throughout this country. They are able to identify teen girls who are trapped in situations of trafficking, provide 1-2 years of rehabilitation services at their safe house, and ultimately reunite them with family in their home communities.
One challenge that Rapha House has faced as they reintegrate these girls back into their families and home communities is that the situations of extreme poverty that have led to them being caught in situations of exploitation are still just as dire. Families often have little to no sources of income, and this makes the future outlook after reintegration challenging at best. Under the Same Tree will be working with the families of girls who are receiving rehabilitative services at Rapha House, helping them create sustainable sources of income and reducing the strain of extreme poverty. This way, when the girls go back to their families, there will be less vulnerability to hunger, preventable disease, re-exposure to exploitation and abuse, etc, and the chance to build a stronger future for both themselves, the entire family, and the community beyond.
As we build a presence in Haiti, we are also exploring partnership opportunities with other ministries on the ground there.
We have added a few new monthly expenses with the launch of this program, and are seeking $600 per month (or $7200 per year) in new donations. If you can contribute to this goal - even in the form of a recurring monthly donation of $30, $50, or $100 - please sign up here.